Wellbeing Weekly

Keep up with the latest news and views from CHC Wellbeing!

10 Timely Stats on Wellness, Costly Reality of Inpatient Stays and Purpose over Perks

Below is your weekly dose of wellbeing, curated from trusted news sources.


10 Timely Statistics About the Connection Between Employee Engagement and Wellness

Employee engagement and wellness are finally taking center stage in the business world. Here are ten timely statistics to back up this trend and highlight the value wellness can deliver to the bottom line.

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rawpixel-586674-unsplashAverage Inpatient Stay Costs More Than $22,000
Healthleaders Media

A new global study shows the average outpatient visit in the United States costs nearly $500, and the average inpatient stay costs more than $22,000. The US exceeds every other nation in total healthcare costs, based on outpatient data from 130 countries and inpatient data from 128 countries.

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brooke-cagle-193476-unsplashWhy Perks No Longer Cut It for Workers
Wall Street Journal

Companies who are successful at improving health, employee engagement and recruitment/retention are better at giving individuals a sense of belonging at


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Angel of Lower Wacker

Angel of Lower Wacker was founded with the mission to serve the unhoused community throughout the Chicagoland area.

See what CHC is doing in the community.