City of Jefferson

CHC Wellbeing – Featured Client

Jefferson City is the capital of Missouri. Named for Thomas Jefferson, it has been dubbed America’s “Most Beautiful Small Town” by Rand McNally.  The city employs more than 300 people and is responsible for a range of services, including animal control, transit, trash & recycling, planning and zoning, business licensing and redevelopment.

City of Jefferson

Jefferson City is the capital of Missouri. Named for Thomas Jefferson, it has been dubbed America’s “Most Beautiful Small Town” by Rand McNally.  The city employs more than 300 people and is responsible for a range of services, including animal control, transit, trash & recycling, planning and zoning, business licensing and redevelopment.

Since its baseline year of 2011, The City has made great strides with a comprehensive approach to wellbeing improvement across its population. The video below features Gail Strope sharing city’s success and its experience with CHC Wellbieng.

Highlighted results include:

Maintaining Favorable Healthcare Trends

For the past several years, the City has used wellness to maintain very favorable wellbeing risk levels within their population. Almost all biometric measures have been maintained or improved during this time. Just as impressively, the City has enjoyed single digit, or flat, healthcare insurance renewals and have seen improvements in productivity, specifically in reduced absenteeism.

Silver Recognition for AHA Workplace Health Achievement Index 

The City was recognized by the American Heart Association as a silver level organization in its Workplace Health Achievement Index. The Index allows companies to measure the effectiveness of their workplace health programs as well as the overall heart health of their employees. The assessment is grounded in data-driven science and a quality improvement framework.

“CHC has been great for our organization. They make it easy. They are consistently evolving and improving. And they are always open to our ideas, even the crazy ones!”

 -  Gail Strope, City of Jefferson

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